The new version of OR-Tools does not necessitate major changes, but has
some performance improvements and support for Python 3.10.
On a related note, Python 3.10 is now required.
This update, despite ostensibly being a minor version, includes breaking
changes that must be accounted for.
Overflow is much more strictly checked, so the magnitude of certain
constants has been decreased.
CP-SAT's default number of workers has been changed to reflect the
default of this script. As such, the script no longer needs to change
that parameter unless a specific number of workers has been specified.
In light of the breaking changes, the OR-Tools version is now pinned at
9.1 instead of being permitted to use future minor versions.
All scripts are now contained in a package named "bonemarketsolver".
The command-line interface has been moved to
The solver script has been moved to
Relative module imports are now used where appropriate.
The invocation method of the CLI has changed: instead of running Python
itself, you can now use "pipenv run bone_market_solver".
The README has been updated to reflect the new usage method.
The curses module is not included with Python on Windows, and must be
installed as a package. The Pipfile has been updated to do this when run
on Windows.