import argparse import curses from .objects.blacklistaction import BlacklistAction from .objects.bonemarketargumentparser import BoneMarketArgumentParser from .objects.enumaction import EnumAction from .solve import * parser = BoneMarketArgumentParser( prog='Bone Market Solver', description="Devise the optimal skeleton at the Bone Market in Fallen London.", fromfile_prefix_chars="@", argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) world_qualities = parser.add_argument_group( "world qualities", "Parameters shared across Fallen London, often changing on a routine basis" ) world_qualities.add_argument( "-f", "--bone-market-fluctuations", action=EnumAction, type=Fluctuation, help="current value of Bone Market Fluctuations, which grants various bonuses to certain buyers", dest='bone_market_fluctuations' ) world_qualities.add_argument( "-m", "--zoological-mania", action=EnumAction, type=Declaration, help="current value of Zoological Mania, which grants a percentage bonus to value for a certain declaration", dest='zoological_mania' ) world_qualities.add_argument( "-o", "--occasional-buyer", action=EnumAction, type=OccasionalBuyer, help="current value of Occasional Buyer, which allows access to a buyer that is not otherwise available", dest='occasional_buyer' ) world_qualities.add_argument( "-d", "--diplomat-fascination", action=EnumAction, type=DiplomatFascination, help="current value of The Diplomat's Current Fascination, which determines what the Trifling Diplomat is interested in", dest='diplomat_fascination' ) skeleton_parameters = parser.add_argument_group( "skeleton parameters", "Parameters that determine what you want the solver to produce" ) skeleton_parameters.add_argument( "-s", "--shadowy", type=int, required=True, help="the effective level of Shadowy used for selling to buyers", dest='shadowy_level' ) skeleton_parameters.add_argument( "-b", "--buyer", "--desired-buyer", action=EnumAction, nargs=argparse.ONE_OR_MORE, type=Buyer, help="specific buyer that skeleton should be designed for (if multiple are specified, will choose from among them)", dest='desired_buyers' ) skeleton_parameters.add_argument( "-c", "--cost", "--maximum-cost", type=int, help="maximum number of pennies that should be invested in skeleton", dest='maximum_cost' ) skeleton_parameters.add_argument( "-e", "--exhaustion", "--maximum-exhaustion", type=int, help="maximum exhaustion that skeleton should generate", dest='maximum_exhaustion' ) skeleton_parameters.add_argument( "--blacklist", action=BlacklistAction, nargs=argparse.ONE_OR_MORE, help="components, options, or buyers that should not be used by the solver", metavar="Enum.MEMBER", dest='blacklist' ) solver_options = parser.add_argument_group( "solver options", "Options that affect how the solver behaves" ) solver_options.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="whether the solver should output search progress rather than showing intermediate solutions", dest='verbose' ) solver_options.add_argument( "-t", "--time-limit", type=float, help="maximum number of seconds that the solver runs for", dest='time_limit' ) solver_options.add_argument( "-w", "--workers", type=int, help="number of search worker threads to run in parallel (default: one worker per available CPU thread)", dest='workers' ) args = parser.parse_args() arguments = vars(args) if not arguments.pop('verbose', False): def WrappedSolve(stdscr, arguments): # Prevents crash if window is too small to fit text stdscr.scrollok(True) # Move stdscr to last position arguments['stdscr'] = stdscr return Solve(**arguments) print(curses.wrapper(WrappedSolve, arguments)) else: print(Solve(**arguments))